- Management Requires Collaboration; Monitoring Does Not.
- Management Requires Expertise; Monitoring Does Not.
- Management Prevents Problems; Monitoring Does Not.
文章四:The Foundation of DevOps
CAMS (Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing) are 4 key areas that are core to the DevOps movement. Culture is the hardest to change but is also the most important because it means a change in the way in which the different teams work together and share the responsibility for the end users of their application. It promotes the usage of development practices in operations to automate deployment. It also allows developers to learn from "the real world" Ops experience and with that mutual exchange it breaks down the walls. 文章五:里面其中有一个小节提到从去年 - 2012年看到了学到了一些情况,需要注意的。
- 3rd Party Impact on Performance - 第三方的控件、页面元素会影响到性能
- Mobile taking over the Business - 移动越来越流行,更多人通过移动设备访问网站
- Lack of "basic" WPO - 基本网页、网络优化,最佳实践都没有做
- Predicting Traffic - 根据去年的访问数据,设立今年的预期的访问量
- Step 1: Preparing your tests
- Question #1: Identify Key Landing Pages, User Interactions and Conversion Funnel Actions
- Question #2: Identify additional Use Case Scenarios
- Question #3: Identify the types of your End Users
- Question # 4: Identify involved 3rd parties
- Step 2: Sanity Checks - checks on basic WPO (Web Performance Optimization) rules as well as testing the end-to-end functionality of your use cases
- Step 3: Throughput Tests - verifies if the system can withstand the busiest peak period
- Step 4: Concurrency Tests - withstanding constant high load over a long period of time
- Step 5: Real End User Tests
- Step 6: Test Monitoring and Alerts for Production